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Sugar Box

糖果盒是一間可愛的咖啡室和民宿。五分鐘就到南怡島碼頭,又提供免費接送服務到加平鐵道單車 。住在甜甜的糖果盒 , 好好享受在加平的美好時光 !
The Sugarbox is a lovely cafe and holiday house. It is close to Nami island, only 5 minute walk to the Nami Island Pier. Free pick up serivce is available for going to Gapyeong Railbike. Enjoy Gaypeong with Sugarbox!
南怡島糖果盒 Sugar Box
交通 How to Get There
讚點 What’s Special
一樓 Sugar Box 1st  Floor
二樓 Sugar Box 2nd  Floor
設備 Facilities
收費 Price
預訂 Reservations
交通 How to Get There


車程: 由龍山到加平約一小時 
車費: 4,800₩

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周邊趴趴走 Travel Around
  • 鱉島 Jaraseom

  • 加平鐵道單車 Gapyeong Railbike

  • 南怡島 Nami Island

  • 小法國村 Petite France

  • 晨靜樹木園 Morning Calm Arboretum

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節日 Festival
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From $384

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